The Connelly Foundation is very grateful for scholarship support received from various individuals and corporations. This extra funding allows the Connelly Foundation to offer additional scholarships to students each year beyond the set amount funded by the Foundation. Each year we are typically able to award three to five extra scholarships due to the generosity of funding partners. Donors are warmly welcome at Neumann Scholar ceremonies.
Donations covering full scholarships and smaller donations towards programmatic expenses are appreciated. The projected cost of a four-year scholarship at an Archdiocesan high school, based upon the announced tuition of $7,350 for academic year 2017-18 plus modest tuition increases, is approximately $30,000.
Interested parties are welcome to contact Josephine C. Mandeville, Chair of the Board, at (610) 834-3222 or
For the past fifteen years a local group of University of Notre Dame alumni have provided scholarships for Neumann Scholars accepted into the Summer Scholars Program or the Introduction to Engineering Program at the University of Notre Dame. This opportunity, available to high school students the summer after their junior year, provides an excellent glimpse at college life at a prestigious university.
A partnership between Boston College and the Connelly Foundation allows us to offer a limited number of $5,000 scholarships to Neumann Scholars toward the cost of their six-week residential program designed to immerse students in BC’s richly diverse community during the summer.
A special thanks is extended to the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who are united with the Foundation in this mission to enhance educational opportunities in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.