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Fellowship House of South Camden
Camden Children Fulfilling a Dream for Jonathan

Johnathan Wolfe, a 54-year old grandfather from South Camden dreamed a dream that

the children of Camden would build a well for the children of Africa.  He said that the children of Camden are always made to feel that they are poor, that they have nothing to give.  His dream was to address an even greater need—a desperate need for clean drinking water.


Over the past year, the children have been learning in the after-school program about

Ghana and a K-12 School—Glory Kindercare—in particular, where there is no access to clean water.  The children on each side of the Atlantic Ocean exchanged Christmas and Easter cards and artwork.  The Fellowship House children have been collecting coins as part of their weekly worship time and promoting a fundraiser at Applebee’s restaurant.


Fellowship House of South Camden is partnering with the Rotary Club of Haddonfield to provide one potable water well for Glory Kindercare.  The project consists of drilling one well and providing a manual pump, giving clean drinking water to those in desperate need.


Bright and early on Saturday, April 6th, Hector, Quadir, Tasean, and Braniya were riding in the Fellowship House van to Applebee’s restaurant in Cherry Hill for their Flapjack Fundraiser.  For 3 hours at Applebee’s the children greeted the arriving patrons.  By the end of the day, they had raised $717 for the well.  More importantly, they had learned how good it feels to love your neighbor as yourself.  


Since 2014, the Connelly Foundation has awarded $30,000 in grants towards the South Camden Children's Program providing developmental, educational and spiritual services for children.